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Onboard Express and LiveHire join forces

Affirm Software is excited to announce the addition of our latest integration partner, LiveHire. This integration provides a seamless user experience between the LiveHire, recruitment technology and engagement platform and Onboard Express (, Australia’s leading new employee onboarding solution.

The new development provides a simple method of passing candidate personal details from LiveHire, into Onboard Express for the employment offer to be executed online and all new starter processing completed within a secure portal.

Andy Cross, Head of Talent Acquisition and Mobility at WSP in Australia & New Zealand stated:

“Having candidate personal information and position details transfer from our LiveHire recruitment system into our onboarding solution, Onboard Express, with the simple push of button has made our life so much easier.”

Affirm Software CEO, Bryan Ericson said: “We are committed to deliver the highest quality integration partners to our extensive customer base, so they have a choice of high quality HR software providers, delivering a seamless and fully integrated solution for their recruitment and onboarding needs. Affirm Software has led the Australian marketplace in innovative advanced onboarding solutions since 2010 and we continue this with the inclusion of LiveHire as an integration partner. We have many new innovative features that we will roll out throughout the remainder of the year, delivering more benefits to our customers.

LiveHire Product Partnerships & Solutions Director, Alastair Schirmer said: “We are really pleased to bring this integration between LiveHire and Onboard Express to life. The integration will create a lot of efficiency for our customers in common and generate extra productivity via LiveHire’s award winning recruitment platform. The integration is live in the market now with some of our customers generating great benefits out of it already. We look forward to making it available for more of our customers in common.”

If you want to know more about how our customers have achieved more than 80% efficiency gains using Onboard Express, compared to paper based onboarding processes and/or our special exclusive offer for LiveHire customers please email your enquiry to